Each January I like to take some time to set goals for myself for the coming year. It’s something that has, historically, really helped me stay focused on things and get stuff done. Plus, the process of sitting down to think through what goals I’d like to set always teaches me something about my priorities and how they have shifted (or not) since the last time I did this. And then, at the end of the year, it also provides a bit of a checklist for me to look back on and be like, “Huh, it was kind of a blur but I guess I did accomplish a thing or two in the last year.”

But this year, man. This year I’ve really, really struggled with making this post. It has been in my planner since the end of December and I just keep bumping it and bumping it and bumping it. Because looking ahead to this year feels like peering through a heavy fog and trying to see what’s on the other side. I’m really struggling these days just to get the bare minimum of things done, flirting with burnout and in a constant state of low-level… something. It’s the pandemic plus brain chemistry plus *gestures* who knows? But it’s not good.

To be clear, I’m okay. I’m better off than a lot of people. I have an amazing support system, a lifetime history of depression that has equipped me with tools to help and I know in time, this too shall pass. But I do want to be open about the fact things are hard right now because I despise the ‘highlight reel’ style of interaction.

And maybe, when I’m in this mental space it’s even more important than usual to set some goals, but it’s also so, so hard.

But I’m going to try. Because maybe it will help?

My #1 focus for this year is to just get through it.

That means working when I can work and forgiving myself when I can’t. It means cutting myself some slack. Naps are okay and careful prioritizing is encouraged.

Setting Monthly Goals

Because trying to look ahead at twelve months and set goals for all of them feels impossible given how quickly everything can change I’ve decided to set a goal for myself each month. Ideally they will build on each other but in the spirit of goal #1 it’s okay if they don’t.

    • January: Only order food delivery once a week (and on condo board meeting day)
    • February: TBD

Book Releases

I’ve got some books coming out this year. I’m not going to try and set sales goals for them because my numbers have been so variable and unpredictable the last two years I honestly wouldn’t even know where to start. However, I do have a sort of ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ that I use for each book launch and I want to be sure each one of these books goes through that process and is given as good a chance for success as I am able to give it.

    • January — Trenchcoats, Towers and Trolls
    • March — Untethered
    • May — Blindspots
    • August — Pirating Pups
    • October — Prairie Spirit(s)
    • December — Forgotten Lore

Open Submissions

I have an open submission window for Women and the Sea which I’m super excited about. Again, I’m not setting any numerical goals for the number of submissions I’d like to see or that sort of thing. However, the submission window is open for September and I am aiming to have the Table of Contents sorted by the end of October and the edits done by the end of November.


Reading outside of work stuff is difficult right now — I can’t focus on it for some reason. However, I have been able to read audiobooks, so that’s where my main leisure fiction consumption comes from. The only problem with that is that I can read a book faster than I can listen to it LOL Still, I’m hoping to read 40 books this year.


Focus #1 of this year is to get through it. Focus #2 is Patreon. This is where most of my writing attention will be going for the next twelve months, I expect. I will be writing two Patreon exclusive works each month and also doing a year long project built around tarot cards.

The details are here –> https://www.patreon.com/posts/2022-tarot-card-60732898 but, in short, each month I will be writing something for my patrons based on a randomly drawn tarot card. That ‘thing’ may be one of the exclusive works I mentioned in the previous paragraph or may be in addition to it. Depends on how things go and how my spoons balance out.

Wings Thing

I’d like to finish the first draft of In a Gilded Cage which is the sequel to One in the Hand. Bonus points if I actually ever come up with a real series name for it LOL

Everything else is completely optional. Everything.

Yes, Rhonda, everything.


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