My computer hates me!
That is not how I expected to begin this blog post, but here we are. It’s release day for Blindspots, I’m meant to be shouting the news from rooftops but instead my computer is being a big old jerkface and not doing what it’s supposed to.
But I finally coaxed it to let me make this blog post so I am counting that as a win.
The war is over.
Ricky just wants to lick his wounds and learn what the new normal is going to look like for him, but his brother has gone missing. Now Ricky needs to team up with his wartime friends (and at least one dog he’d hoped never to see again) to find him, figure out what’s going on, and save the world.
And the clock is ticking…
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This book is such a tricky one to try and nail down but it was a bit of a life raft for me when I was writing it and each time I sit down to read bits and pieces of it, something about it makes me smile.
I really hope that by releasing it beyond the borders of my Patreon will increase its audience and let other people have the same reaction.