Spotlight on Creator Laura VanArendonk Baugh

Over the course of this month I want to take a moment to shine a spotlight on some of the creators who have signed up for this year’s Giftmas Create-A-Thon. I think it’s really easy to get caught up in the numbers of, like, how many donations, and how much...

Introducing Giftmas Creator Jamie Perrault

Over the course of this month I want to take a moment to shine a spotlight on some of the creators who have signed up for this year’s Giftmas Create-A-Thon. I think it’s really easy to get caught up in the numbers of, like, how many donations, and how much...

Spotlight on Creator Iseult Murphy

Over the course of this month I want to take a moment to shine a spotlight on some of the creators who have signed up for this year’s Giftmas Create-A-Thon. I think it’s really easy to get caught up in the numbers of, like, how many donations, and how much...

Giftmas Create-A-Thon

It’s Giftmas time again! Well, actually this year Giftmas came a little early, and it’s dressed in slightly different clothes, but the spirit of giving and helping remains the same 🙂 This year we are raising money to benefit Doctors Without Borders and our...
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