I first created this website in 2006, and in the fourteen years between then and when I’m writing this now it just kept getting slower and slower. Even moving to dedicated hosting didn’t help very much. So, in April 2020 I blew it all up to start over. As part of that process I’ve begun doing most of my blogging over at Patreon. Thus, you can find all of that right here –> Rhonda Parrish’s Patreon.

Not only can you read many of the posts there without being a paid patron (including all the Calls for Submissions and important updates) if you click the ‘follow’ button on that page it will email you whenever I post a public update as well.

Also, even though I blew up the old blog that was here I wasn’t willing to lose fourteen years worth of work.

Luckily for me, my friend BD Wilson knows a thing or two about this kind of stuff and was willing to help me out. BD archived the old blog for me, so if you’re looking for something that was posted pre-April 2020 your best bet is going to be to check here –> RhondaParrish.com Blog Archive

Really important updates like book releases will also be blogged here as ‘Important announcements’.

Important Announcements

Archvillain Games

The contracts have all been signed so it's official now and I can share the news without worrying I am going to jinx something. I am incredibly excited to announce that I will be working for Archvillain Games writing content for their Drifting Havens world! In a...

Ahoy! Pirating Pups ahead!

...you don't even want to know how long I over-thought the title for this blog post. Seriously. I was like, "Are theĀ Pirating Pups actually ahead though? Because they came out today. So, like, even though I'm going for a play of 'Ahoy! Land ahead!' wouldn't it be...

Pirating Pups Table of Contents

I'm pleased to be able to share the cover and Table of Contents for my latest anthology --Ā Pirating Pups: Salty Sea-Dogs and Barking Buccaneers.X Marks More Than One Spot Enter a world of Barking Buccaneers, where piratical dogs sail the seas, seeking one tail-chasing...

Star*Line — Editor’s Choice

My poem, "Poltergeist" was included in the most recent issue of Star*Line annnnnd even better it was chosen as one of the editor's picks. That's the first time one of my poems has ever been Editor's Choice at Star*Line, which is super cool. But what's even cooler is...

Neon Magazine

Every time I sell a poem or a story it's nice, but some of those publications are more special than others. The one I get to announce today is one of those 'special' ones because it's something I have wanted for a long time. I wanted to look and seeĀ how long, but I...

Release Day: Untethered

A couple years ago I started a Patreon and invited my patrons to help me pick which projects I ought to work on and even earmarked a % of the money from the Patreon to the project they chose. The first thing they picked was a novel I wanted to write -- that will be...

F is for Fairy — only $0.99!

Marketing and promotion is tough at the best of times, right? Not only trying to find a way to be heard but to let people know about what I'm doing, what books and stories and poems I have coming out without starting to sound more like a commercial than a person. And...

Goals for 2022

Each January I like to take some time to set goals for myself for the coming year. It's something that has, historically, really helped me stay focused on things and get stuff done. Plus, the process of sitting down to think through what goals I'd like to set always...

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