Ten Year Reunion – Multiple Anthologies

As we wrap up the series of blog posts which began here, in order to say goodbye to the Magical Menageries series as they begin to make their way toward being out of print continues with us revising several of them at once — because some authors were in more...

Ten Year Reunion — Sirens

As we continue the series of blog posts which began here, in order to say goodbye to the Magical Menageries series as they begin to make their way toward being out of print continues with us revising Sirens. Unlike Fae it hasn’t been a decade since this one came...

Ten Year Reunion — Fae

Fae first came out in 2014 — that is over ten years ago. Honestly? I can’t quite wrap my mind all the way around that. Time is such a strange, strange thing… 2014 feels simultaneously like an eon ago and like just yesterday. Fae is the anthology that...

Edmonton Public Library Writer in Residence

The press release is up on the Edmonton Public Library website, so I guess it’s official and I’m allowed to share now — I am going to be the 2025 Edmonton Public Library Writer In Residence! I honestly can not wait to get to work! I have so many...

Rhysling Nomination – Value Measure

Joseph Halden and I are excited to share that our poem, “Value Measure” has been nominated for this year’s Rhysling Award in the ‘Long Poem’ category. “Value Measure” was originally published in Dreams and Nightmares 125 which...

Capital City Press Featured Writers

I’m excited to share the news that I am one of Capital City Press’ Featured Writers. So that’s really fun 🙂 My tenure will be August – October (which includes Halloween!) and during that time I’ll be participating in/running some...
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