Ten Year Reunion — Equus

As we continue the series of blog posts which began here, in order to say goodbye to the Magical Menageries series as they begin to make their way toward being out of print continues with this one about Equus. Unlike Fae it hasn’t been a decade since Equus came...

Ten Year Reunion – Corvidae

As we continue the series of blog posts which began here, in order to say goodbye to the Magical Menageries series as they begin to make their way toward being out of print continues with this one about Corvidae. If you haven’t got your copy of it already now...

Ten Year Reunion — Fae

Fae first came out in 2014 — that is over ten years ago. Honestly? I can’t quite wrap my mind all the way around that. Time is such a strange, strange thing… 2014 feels simultaneously like an eon ago and like just yesterday. Fae is the anthology that...

Hauntings and Hoarfrost

Buy It Now Amazon (US) (CA) Kobo Barnes and Noble Tyche Books Wild storms, the sound of ice skates cutting across an empty pond, and blankets of soft, white, beautiful death. In the dark depths of winter, it is frighteningly simple to become isolated as snow obscures...

Glass, Paper, Salt

As you probably already know, my latest anthology, Saltwater Sorrows came out at the beginning of this month and I’m trying to celebrate that by sharing a series of blog posts by myself and some of my authors. Today I’m excited to share this blog by...
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