Dark Waters

Cover design by Psycat Covers Water doesn’t need to be deep to be dark. A remote mountain lake where the locals wear iron anklets for protection, a ghost ship, a goddess, a pearl diver who finds much more than she’s looking for, the true story about a familiar fairy...


Once upon a time, a long, long time ago — okay, maybe more like seven or eight years but it feels like a lifetime — I thought I might like to edit an anthology… an anthology I would call Arcana. That’s right. This is the very first anthology I...

Release Day: Clockwork, Curses and Coal

Today is the day Clockwork, Curses and Coal: Gaslamp and Steampunk Fairy Tales hits the shelves! If you pre-ordered a copy it ought to be available to you now — either via your e-reader or your mailbox — and if you haven’t there is no time like the...
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