Connections: Breaking Them and Creating Them

This year, for me, has not just been about strengthening existing connections, it’s also been about breaking old ones and making some new ones. Toward the end of August I left Facebook. Oh, I still have an account there, and I maintain my author page, but I...

My Connection to the Food Bank

I’m in a grumpy mood today. I have no real reason to be in a grumpy mood but that’s actually kind of making my mood worse because I haven’t got anything to blame it on. I spent most of the morning staring at the cursor in front of this blog post...

Introducing the 2020 Giftmas Blog Tour

Each year I’m proud to organise a fundraiser in the form of a blog tour to benefit the Edmonton Food Bank. The details change a wee bit from year to year but the goal and the basic format do not. Myself and a number of other bloggers all post something in...
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