Archvillain Games

The contracts have all been signed so it’s official now and I can share the news without worrying I am going to jinx something. I am incredibly excited to announce that I will be working for Archvillain Games writing content for their Drifting Havens world! In a...

F is for Fairy — only $0.99!

Marketing and promotion is tough at the best of times, right? Not only trying to find a way to be heard but to let people know about what I’m doing, what books and stories and poems I have coming out without starting to sound more like a commercial than a...

Aurora Nominations

For years and years one of my goals has been to make it onto the ballot for the Aurora Award. The Aurora Award, for those who aren’t aware, is “Canada’s annual English-language Science Fiction and Fantasy Awards” (I nicked that off their webpage)....

Hear Me Roar is released today!

Today is the day Hear Me Roar hits the shelves! This anthology, filled with stories of empowered women and dragons, has been on my desk for a very long time and I’m excited to see it making its way in the world. I’ve done a lot of anthologies over the...
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