This installment of Rhonda Parrish’s alphabet anthology series asks skilled storytellers to write around the theme of chimera. The resulting tales are part fable, part poem, part dream. But like any chimera, the parts make up a greater whole.

Blend reality with fantasy. Mesh science fiction with mystery. Mix history with what should have been. They are all chimera.

A shadow tells a tale of schoolyard bullies. A long-vanished monster returns from the cold dark. Make-up makes up a life. Alchemy, Atlantis, and apocalypse. These 26 tales bring both chaos and closure to dark and elusively fantastic geographies.

Contributing authors include:

Alexandra Seidel, KV Taylor, Marge Simon, Pete Aldin, Michael M. Jones, Simon Kewin, BD Wilson, Gabrielle Harbowy, Sara Cleto, Megan Engelhardt, Michael Fosburg, Megan Arkenberg, Lilah Wild, Laura VanArendonk Baugh, Milo James Fowler, Brittany Warman, Michael B. Tager, L.S. Johnson, Beth Cato, C.S. MacCath, Sammantha Kymmell-Harvey, Steve Bornstein, Suzanne van Rooyen, Michael Kellar, Jonathan C. Parrish, Amanda C. Davis

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“I dare say it’s an anthology with something for just about anyone who likes short speculative fiction.”

Jennifer Crow

Author, poet and reviewer

“Reading an anthology is like having a selection box of chocolates (a cliche, but only because it’s true). You may not love every single story, but there’s not one that’ll be left unread. C for Chimera is like having a premium selection box.

Clive Tern

author and Goodreads reviewer

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