If you think cats and water don’t mix, think again.
Plunge into worlds of piratical cats: on ships, in space, and beyond the veil.
Fourteen “tails” of adventure-loving cats, puns, and fun, featuring: Beth Cato; Krista D. Ball; Rebecca Brae; Grace Bridges; Lizz Donnelly; Megan Fennell; Chadwick Ginther; Joseph Halden; Blake Liddell; Frances Pauli; JB Riley; Rose Strickman; Leslie Van Zwol; and SG Wong.
Buy it now
“These are wonderfully crafted little tales, each one full of adventure and intrigue and incredible imagination!
There is a little something for everyone in “Swashbuckling Cats”, even if you aren’t a cat person!”
“I can barely begin to tell you how gloriously entertaining this book is., from the front cover kitty to every last one of the dastardly deeds and, buckle-swashing dramatics in which these feline felons are involved. Every tale takes you into worlds and seas you had never imagined, and of course we side with the cats every time. Read it and then look over at your own kitty companions. Hopefully they won’t get any ideas of their own from it.”
“this was a great anthology that truly shows off the breadth of the speculative fiction genre. I was genuinely surprised by how much I was still enjoying the stories at the end, having expected that even I, despite my love of cats and pirates, would start tiring of a seemingly narrow theme after a while. If anything, I enjoyed the later stories even more. The authors really took up the challenge and showed off how many interesting things you can do in speculative fiction with even such a specific topic.
This is a perfect little read for cat lovers looking for something to pass the time during the pandemic. I spent a number of happy hours reading these stories with a sleeping or purring cat my lap, as I’m sure you will too.”
“I’ll be honest, I did not have high expectations going into this book. I genuinely thought I would read a couple of stories and would likely DNF, but I wanted to try something different.
Oh my gosh, am I glad I tried it.this book is genuinely brilliant, there are no bad stories, only excellent ones, and good ones. Some of them really stayed with me after the story ended (in an anthology about pirate cats, I hear you ask ?!) Indeed!!
I genuinely recommend this to everyone, cat lovers or animals lovers alike, or even just fantasy lovers, this book is worth your time. I was saddened when I reached the end.
A very well deserved 5 stars.“
This anthology was a finalist for the 2021 Aurora Award for Best Related Work.