As we move out of November and into December I have changed up the graphics to reflect that. I also think they reflect the goal of this fundraiser, as did the last ones.
This year’s Giftmas fundraiser is to benefit Doctors Without Borders — an organization that goes to the dangerous places, the places where people need help because of wars or disease, plagues, natural disasters… They go to those places to bear witness and also to provide help and comfort. Risking danger, forgoing their own comfort, to help other people.
Our initial graphics were cozy and autumnal, — comfortable. These ones are a bit darker but still beautiful because there is light in the darkness. Many, many of them. Like our creators who are trying to raise money to help the helpers, like the donors who are giving that money and, especially, like the people doing the hard work, the helping.
This year for the Giftmas Create-a-thon my goal was to write 50,000 new words of fiction in the month of November.
I wrote 56,792 words.
Those words were spread out across several different projects but they included:
- Finishing up the first draft of a novella which includes Xen which is entitled “Stained”.
- Finishing up the first draft of the third installment of a novella about Aleria which is entitled “Liberation”
- Writing a story about Santa Claus, a dragon, and the biggest gingerbread house in the world
- Beginning a short story based on a prompt I saw on Threads that has the working title of “FDT”

I also encouraged people to attach dares to their donations and some of you took me up on that. I’m pleased to say that I met each of those goals. I took a day off writing completely (I actually ended up taking two days off in November, but only one of them was planned and intentional LOL), and I wrote a story about Santa, a dragon, and the world’s biggest gingerbread house 🙂
If you pledged to donate if I accomplished your dare, I am excited to share that I’m going to cost you money.
If you pledged to donate if I accomplished my goal, I am excited to share that I’m going to cost you money.
If you only just heard about this fundraiser now and you want to help, I am excited to cost you money.
Our goal this year was $1,500 — we are not there yet, but the fundraiser is open through December 10th so there is still time!
You can donate now to benefit Doctors Without Borders / Medecins Sans Frontieres:
What MSF does (from their website):
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides emergency medical humanitarian care to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. We provide assistance based on need, regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion or political affiliation. We also speak out about the suffering we witness while carrying out our work.