I’ve a couple new stories out today, which is a lovely way to start the year. Firstly is my six-word story that is in It All Changed in an Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure which has an ironically long title 🙂 I get paid with a contributor’s copy for that, which has a value of $8.10 US. That means I got paid an equivalent to $1.35 a word. I’m pretty sure that’s my highest per word payout so far. Pretty snazzy.
I also have a short story at Flashes in the Dark today. You can read Dive just by following that link, and Flashes in the Dark is one of those cool webzines that will let you leave a comment if you feel like it. A little bit about this story, but cut because here there be spoilers:
I had a tough time with Dive. It was inspired by a story a friend told me about his partner. One of her children died, but then to make things worse a couple years later their basement flooded and she also lost all the pictures of him. How heartbreaking is that?
So that is where the idea for Dive came from, though of course I changed pretty much everything about it, coupled it with the flood of New Orleans, and then tried to write it from an usual point of view. I think it’s a story you either like or hate. I hope you don’t hate it.