What do you look for in a book page?
I had a moment of ‘Zomg! Look at the date!’ yesterday, which was just enough to get my butt in gear working on spreading the word about SHADES OF GREEN since it’s coming out in less than a month! I’m a 60/40 mixture of nervous and excited… Anyway, I started talking to bloggers about doing interviews and guest posts, and to reviewers about reviewing the story. I also created a little page on this blog for SHADES OF GREEN (linked to from the title). The thing is, I’m not quite sure what else to put on it. It needs something…it’s pretty empty.
I am going to check with my publisher and see about including an excerpt, and once I have some reviews to share I’ll put them there too…but is that all that’s missing? What do you like to see on pages dedicated to a single book? Or, possibly a better question, do you ever go to or read promo pages like that?
Inquiring minds want to know… (or is that enquiring? hmmm…)