While I was at World Fantasy I was very intrigued by a certain set of postcards on the Freebie table. They were red and black and had a picture of two zombies kissing on them. How can you not be drawn to a book cover with a picture of two zombies kissing on it? I snagged one with the intention of looking up the book later, when I was at home.
The next day a friend of mine had a friend who was doing a reading from her book (lol ah, the ole friend-of-a-friend thing, but it’s true!), so we went to listen to her. We went a bit early though, figuring we’d listen to “S.G. Browne whoever that was” who was reading before her. I’m SO glad we did. The friend-of-a-friend read well and her story seemed like one my daughter might like. S.G. Browne read from his soon-to-be-released book “Breathers” and I was blown away.
The section he read was funny, it was poignant and it really pulled me in. When I saw him later at the autograph session, even though I am really quite shy in real life and not prone to approaching people I don’t know, I went over and talked to him. I found that not only is he a very talented writer, he’s a really nice guy too! When I came home I pre-ordered my copy of Breathers and then looked him up on livejournal and Facebook.
I’ve got an interview with him coming out on Niteblade about the same time his novel does (in March) and I intended to blog about all this then, but, he’s having a contest and the prize is a signed ARC of Breathers. I’m a sucker for ARCs and I would LOVE to not have to wait until March to read this novel, so I’m blogging now 🙂
If you like zombies, dark humor and good storytelling I really recommend you pop over to Undead Anonymous and find out more about this book and its author. There is loads of great content there including an absolutely hilarious commercial for Necrobufrin (the key to a better death) on the zombie community page.
Check it out, then pre-order your copy so you can be cool, like me :-p