Category Archives: Fire: Demons, Dragons and Djinn


You’ve probably seen this — I signal boosted the crap out of it all over social media when Tyche made the official announcement — but in case you haven’t, I am excited to share with you the official call for submissions for book one of my brand new elemental anthology series — Fire: Demons, Dragons and Djinns.

War with the dragon on castle

Fire: Elemental Anthologies #1


Tyche Books and Rhonda Parrish are proud to announce a brand new elemental anthology series, and to kick things off they are opening to submissions for the first anthology in the series—Fire: Demons, Dragons and Djinns.

The ability for people to control (to some extent at least) fire has long been held as one of the major events that contributed to human evolution, but when fire eludes or escapes our control it is also one of the most destructive forces on earth. Associated with passion, power, transformation and purification, fire is a ferocious element with an unquenchable appetite.

We want to explore the many facets of this beautifully furious element and the creatures associated with it so Fire: Demons, Dragons and Djinns will be filled with stories about every kind of fiery creature you can imagine, not only those listed in the subtitle. We’re looking for phoenixes, ifrits, salamanders, lava monsters and fiery beasts no one has ever heard of before. And of course this anthology will not be complete without at least one demon, dragon, and djinn!

Rights and compensation: Payment: Flat fee of $50.00 CAD and a paperback copy of the anthology. In exchange we are seeking first world rights in English and exclusive right to publish in print and electronic format for six months after publication date, after which publisher retains nonexclusive right to continue to publish for the life of the anthology.

Open submission period: June 1, 2017 – August 15, 2017

Length: Under 7,500 words

No simultaneous or multiple submissions.

Submission method: Submittable! You will be able to upload your story on the Fire Submission page.

Expected Publication Date: Summer 2018

The Elemental Anthology Series

Elemental Anthology SeriesI am so very excited to share this news. I’ve been sitting on it for a while but now the contract for the first book is signed and so it’s safe for my superstitious self to shout the news from the rooftops… or, ya know, my blog.

I’m going to be working with Tyche Books to publish a brand new anthology series!

I got to work with Tyche when I had a story included in their Masked Mosaic anthology and ever since I’ve been looking for a chance to repeat the experience. You can imagine, then, how happy I was when they accepted my proposal to do an anthology series with an elemental theme.

I am super stoked–not least of all because the tentative titles and subtitles are full of alliteration (and I am a sucker for alliteration). These are all subject to change but tentatively speaking we are looking at:

Fire: Demons, Dragons and Djinns

Earth: Gargoyles, Grotesques and Golems

Water: Selkies, Sirens and Sea Monsters

Air: Sylphs, Spirits and Seraphim

After Tyche Books accepted the series there came the tricky issue of choosing which one of those anthologies to start it off with.

As awesome as Sirens is I thought it might be nice to take a break from air and water before diving (heh!) back into them so I narrowed the decision down to earth or fire. And then I got stuck, I was sincerely considering just flipping a coin, and that didn’t seem like the best way to choose which anthology to start with, so I let my newsletter subscribers decide for me.

We took a vote and the winner was:


Whoot whoot!

I plan to fill this anthology with every kind of fiery creature you can imagine–not just the ones listed in the subtitle. I definitely want at least one phoenix story, and an ifrit–a salamander would be awesome! Also, some sort of lava monster? Can we get a lava monster? That would be fantastic 😉

There will be an open call for submissions to fill this anthology, but not for a few months. We’re looking at a 2018 publication date, which means there isn’t a huge rush. I don’t know exactly what the timeline looks like just now (I need to sort out the details around the next Magical Menageries title before I can pin this one down) but I will announce it as soon as I know it. I just couldn’t sit on this news anymore and had to share it, even if some of the details are a bit hazy. On the plus side, that gives those of you who write lots of time to sharpen your pencils and brainstorm some ideas.

In the meantime, I’m just gonna leave you with this:

Dragon in the fire
