Happy New Year!
I’m lucky enough to be starting my new year with a bit of flash and a poem at Shine — yay! Coffee, my rictameter about, you guessed it, coffee and Not So Smart are both online now in the January 2008 issue of The Shine Journal.
This time of year people all around me are making New Year’s Resolutions…which is something I don’t do. However, I do often set goals for myself and then work toward them, so I thought I’d share my current list of writing-related goals. In a few months I’ll look back and see how I’m doing LOL
My goals for the next little while include:
1. Finishing the rough draft of my untitled Circus Story
2. Revising Blood and Stone and sending it out into the world
3. Attend World Fantasy
4. Begin writing the sequel to Blood and Stone tentatively titled Secrets and Shadows
5. Increase traffic to and readership of Niteblade
Wish me luck 🙂