Category Archives: Just Stuff

Just my babbling, website related stuff — or whatever doesn’t fit in the other categories ;)


I’m working pretty hard on the edits for Fae today, but I find that my productivity stays highest if I take little breaks in between to do other stuff. It keeps my mind sharp (ish LOL) and keeps the words from beginning to blur into one another.

One of the things I did today as a break from edits was to go through all the active* pieces I have and decide which ones were due to be trunked. The following poem is one of the condemned, but I like it well enough that I decided to share it here before moving it into the /Retired/Trunked folder. Sadly(happily?) I don’t have a schmexy photo to go with it.


Charred skeleton
reaches blackened limbs,
cutting lines, like lightning
through the slate sky.
From trunk to twig,
flashes of scarlet and orange
pierce and flicker,
marauding across its surface
as ashes drift,
and mingle with dirty snowflakes
which sizzle and snap
then vanish into nothingness.

*stories and poems I’m attempting to find a publisher for

That Reminds Me…

I watched this video this afternoon (the cat on my lap was *not* impressed, let me tell you) and it made me smile:

My smile had a little something to do with the pissed off cat, a little something to do with the dog in the video and a whole lot to do with memories from my childhood.

As a kid I lived in and around (on farms) a handful of different small towns in southern Alberta. For as long as I can remember my grandmother has lived (and still does) in Nanton, Alberta. We lived there too when I was quite young, from about 4 until 9 or 10. I went to kindergarten in ‘the old school’ there the last year it was open and grade one at A. B. Daley School the first year it opened. When I left my first husband it was Nanton that I moved to with my very young daughter to do the single mother thing, and I lived there for a few years before moving up here to Edmonton to be with Jo.

Many of my happy memories from my childhood in Nanton have to do with summer (let’s just say I never fit in at school LoL).

Nanton used to have a noon whistle. It’s my understanding that it was actually an air raid siren, but since it was peacetime it had been re-purposed. Every day when there was no school (so summer and weekends) my brother, cousins and I were sort of let loose on the town. We had bicycles, a season’s pass to the swimming pool and active imaginations, what more did we need? And every day we knew it was time to come home for lunch when we heard the noon whistle.

Actually, we knew it was time to come home for lunch when we heard every single dog in town begin to howl.

The dogs always started to bark and howl a couple seconds before the siren went off.

I guess they could hear it before we could and it must have hurt their ears, poor things, because let me tell you — no matter where you were in town, when that siren went off, you heard it.

Anyway, that video reminded me of those days. “Simpler” days. You can’t go back, but sometimes it’s nice to remember and smile.

I don’t know when they stopped the noon whistle, but I bet all the animals in town, especially those who lived nearby, were grateful when they did 🙂

Anyway, I just wanted to share that and it was a few too many characters for Twitter or Facebook LOL I’ll try to make my next post writing-related 😉


So I wrote this poem a while back. The bad news is that it’s about as subtle as a cast iron frying pan to the face, which makes it a wee bit tricky to place in a publication. The good news is I still like it, so I’m going to share it here instead of trying to sell it somewhere.

Because I can. :-p


Eve was the first feminist
biting into that apple
not because of a serpent’s whispers
but as a giant fuck you to
the man trying
to hold her down

Yup, subtle as a frying pan to the face… but I like it 😉

Dear Santa (2013)

It’s become a tradition on my blog that each year I write a letter to Santa about what I want for Giftmas. Not because I want any of my blog readers to buy me those things, but just because sometimes it’s fun to put together wishlists. If you make a Giftmas (or any other winter holiday) wishlist please leave a link in the comments so I can stop by and take a look 🙂

Dear Santa,

This year has been pretty good, especially compared to last year, and if we don’t count diet I’ve been pretty good. So with that in mind I don’t feel bad writing and asking you for a few things…

  • CMPunkHoodieI started watching wrestling again this year, Santa, and though I have a few items from the WWEShop I don’t feel like my wardrobe has been sufficiently wrestling-ified. I like most of the wrestlers (except the Wyatt Family and The Real Americans) so I’m not super particular about what you get me. Though, if I had to choose I’d really like CM Punk’s retro hoodie, The Shield’s sweatpants and The Usos T-shirt


  • I’m always looking for more books, Santa. You could check my Amazon wishlist or my Goodreads ‘Want to Read’ list, but both of those are incomplete. I really love short stories so best of anthologies are a pretty safe bet, and I could use a new vegetarian cookbook as well (bonus points for slow cooker recipes because finding meatless ones that aren’t spaghetti sauce is a freaking challenge). Also, I know I have Code Name Verity on my kobo, but I think I also need a physical copy of it. Because reasons.


  • I haven’t had any new jewelry in quite a long time, so maybe it’s time to change that. I am big on silver and sort of simple designs, and when I did a quick google to find some examples for you, Santa, I found this lovely ring which comes in silver but also in this metal I’ve never seen before. It’s lovely. I’m including a picture below for you. Pretty, no?


  • Finally Santa, you know how for the past two years I’ve asked you for “some baseboards and riser thingers for my bathroom and kitchen. If we don’t finish them up soon they are just going to blend into the background and we’ll never get them done.” Well, you’ll never guess what I still need this year. Yeah. Those. If you have room in your sleigh that would be super awesome, thank you.

Thank you Santa.



I’ll leave you with two movies today. The first is White Wine in the Sun by Tim Minchin. Last year I described this as ‘One of my favourite performers performing one of my favourite Christmas songs’. It’s still that, and it still makes me cry.

The second movie is a montage that totally reminds me of Tre (our dog) and Eowyn (our grumpiest cat). Maybe it will make you laugh 🙂

Happy Ho Ho!


November Desktop

Remember back in August when I shared a screenshot of my desktop, just because I could? Well, I’m doing it again. Because I can.

Hawt Desktop

(Click to make bigger)

I saw that picture when Wil Wheaton blogged about it and it took my breath away, so it became my desktop (Google image search is not being super helpful in telling me who the photographer is >_<). I know that the image you use (or not) is probably the primary focus of any desktop, but I also really like looking at the icons on the desktop, the things in the quick launch bar.

Mine, for example, includes Internet Explorer which I *never* use but can’t freaking get rid of, and then the things I actually do use regularly: Firefox, Thunderbird, World of Warcraft, Dropbox, Write or Die… I’m not sure why Chrome is on there, since I don’t use it either, but maybe it’s from when Dani borrows my computer (it’s hooked up to a printer, hers is not). Steam is a much more recent addition to my quick launch bar, it’s there primarily for the Batman game I bought the other day. I really ought to play that more…

What does your desktop look like? Last time a few people shared with me and I really liked looking at them — show me more 🙂

Our Super Villain

A friend of mine, Michelle (who is the brains and the body behind Busy Weekends) asked people on her twitter feed if they wanted to do a fun project where they would create super heroes. I said I’d participate if I was allowed to recruit my family into the process. She was okay with that, and so we began.

Meet Perish:

CherNobyl1CherNobyl2We decided to create a super villain instead of a hero. Partly just to be contrary, but also partly because we wanted to do a play on our last name, and Perish works far better as a villain’s name, don’t you think?

Both of these images are linked to larger versions of themselves so, as Kyle Cassidy would say, Clickenzee to Embiggen!

As a family we settled on a concept for her, discussed the details of her back story and abilities and talked about her costume. Then Danica drew the picture of Perish and I coloured it (because colouring is cool!)


Name: Perish

Alter Ego: Cher Nobyl

Super Powers/Abilities:

  • Can generate focused beams of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Can see outside normal visible ranges (x-ray, ultraviolet, etc.)

Special Weapons: There is a gem in the center of her hood which she can use to super concentrate her radiation beams, effectively making it a ‘death ray’.

Costume: In addition to what you can see, Perish is always armed with irradiated throwing knives which she keeps in her boots.


  • Tundra, the Canadian Super hero
  • Pirot Guy, the Ukrainian hero of comfort

Background: Perish was born at Chernobyl during the core meltdown. Her mother was far enough from ground zero that Perish, though irradiated, was not killed. Her mother, however, was.


We had a lot of fun creating our super villain and I’ve already got a story in mind that she figures in. Even if I never get around to writing that one though, this was still time well spent doing something creative as a family. Thank you Michelle!


The Table

The Table

I don’t know anything about my father’s family, he was adopted and after he and my mother separated when I was five we never had much of a relationship. It’s a complicated and sad story and is not the point of this blog post at all. I only mention it because I think it may be one of the reasons I value the extended family on my mother’s side so very, very much.

My extended family from my Mom’s side is big. My grandmother had 10 children, 9 of whom survived by the time I was born. Those aunts and uncles married and had kids of their own and we all got together at the holidays at Grammy’s house for a big meal. It was noisy and chaotic and awesome.

The table is made of walnut and originally belonged to my great grandparents (my Mom’s father’s parents). They bought it in the 1930s or 40s (no one seems able to say for sure) and eventually passed it on to my Grammy and Grampy. As things tend to do in our family, (and maybe all big families?) this table eventually was passed down to one of my mom’s siblings, and possibly then another, but at some point it made it into our home.

It was Mom’s sewing table (and she sewed a LOT), where I learned how to quilt, the table where we put our Nintendo when we got it (like, the very first Nintendo system dudes) to play on a teeny tiny little television. It even became a diaper changing table when Danica was a baby. I went from sitting on the board beneath the table with my siblings and cousins, using the knob in the middle as a steering wheel to play imagination games while our parents played cards around us, to changing my own daughter’s diapers on it. This table means so much to me, I can’t even explain…

Then my Mom gave it to me.

By the time it reached me it had been through a lot. It was dinged and scratched. The “steering wheel” had been kicked, scuffed and even chewed on by a dog or two, and the table top had been painted dark brown to try and hide some of the water rings and such.

I decided to refinish it.

I had never refinished anything before in my life.

I was terrified.

What if I screwed up? What if I wrecked the table that probably meant just as much to other members of my family as it did to me?

What if?

But I swallowed my fears and did it anyway.

It took me a very long time, and I should have taken before pictures, but I think I’m finally finished.

Table Top

I stripped all the paint off and then sanded, and sanded, and sanded. A couple coats of stain (Cabernet by Varathane) followed, then three coats of glossy varnish (with more sanding in between, just for fun!) and a final coat of semi-gloss varnish for the top itself*. I think it’s gorgeous.

Also, for those of us who loved it, here is the steering wheel:


And here are Jo and Dani putting their fingerprints all over the top because they know it drives me crazy:


As for why I’m sharing this on my blog, well, I may have mentioned that I have a pretty big extended family. I wanted a place I could put these pictures for everyone to see. Despite my fears, I think I did a pretty good job here. I’m proud of the results and want to show everyone else for whom this table isn’t just a piece of furniture that I’m taking care of it and giving it the respect it deserves.

Oh, and for everyone who is like “Um, it’s just a table.” well, now it’s a really pretty table. So there’s that.

Now I just need to find some chairs to go with it and tidy up the room its in 😉

*Jo and Dani helped out too but I think it’s fair to say I did the bulk of the work.

Mah New Ink

I just realized that, though I posted these pictures on Facebook, I never shared them here. I think my plan was to “wait and take a picture with my good camera first” but since I got this tattoo in like April and it’s September now, it seems safe to assume I’m never going to get around to having someone take that picture. Besides, Dani did a great job with my crappy point and shoot camera so… yeah.

Here are two photographs of my newest tattoo (It’s on the inside of my left forearm):

ink1 ink2

It’s not the tattoo I asked my artist (Kat Hays, from Atomic Zombie) for during our consult (the crows were meant to be the focus and circle around my arm), but in the end it was so wonderfully, perfectly me that I couldn’t have asked for anything more. The quill pen is amazing as is the murder of crows and I can’t get over all the little details in the ink pot (Do you see the shadow there, dudes? Awesome). The lines coming out of the pot and around the feather add just a wee bit more femininity to it and make it seem magical.

I love it.

Originally I was going to explain all the meaning and such behind it but really, I think it speaks for itself, don’t you?

All The Things

Silver Pixie There are so many things going on around here right now. So. Many. It’s really an exciting time for me, but also stressful and anxiety-producing (isn’t that always the way?). Some of the things I get to share are these:

Submissions are open for Fae! After working on Metastasis I really needed a project that was a wee bit on the lighter side and I feel like this is it — plus it gave me the excuse to license lots of fairy pictures to use on my blog posts, and that is always a good thing. If you have an awesome modern fairy story I would very much like to read it. The details and submission guidelines are right here. Some subs are already trickling in and I’m going to start actually reading them tomorrow.

In other editor-y news, the latest issue of Niteblade is out, and it is fabulous. What’s more, because I love the cover so very much, this is going to be a blog entry with not one, but two pictures in it. So, yay!

Niteblade #25 (25! OMG!) is entitled Alice Underground after a fantastic poem by Brittany Warman. The cover and table of contents are here:

Niteblade #25 cover - Original art by Marge Simon, cover design by Jonathan ParrishLady Mary Speaks of Dreams by Sandi Leibowitz
With The Band by Carl Barker
Bitter Mnemosyne by Sara Norja
Jonesy by Evan Purcell
Alice Underground by Brittany Warman
Starry Night by David Luntz
Le Cirque by Jess Simms
the moon, so low by Dan Campbell
The Kiss of Legend by T.H. Lee
This man by Erik Amundsen
Empire of Ash by Cameron Johnston
Not Too Bold by Shira Lipkin

You can purchase your copy of our latest issue directly from the Niteblade Store, or Amazon (coming soon to Kobo). Each time you support Niteblade with a purchase or donation you make it a little more likely we’ll release our web version of the current issue to the general public to read for free so not only do you get to read a fantastic magazine (if I do say so myself) but you are also making it so other people can too. Win-win, right?

But wait, there’s more!

Quite a while ago Sein und Werden organized an experience with some exquisite corpses and I was pleased to participate. My specific contribution was:

The only blades were lush, verdant. She plunged her fingers down, through them, down like roots into the loam and brought up great handfuls of pungent-smelling darkness. Spread it over her breasts, like oil, while she undulated above, around. Particles spilled from between her fingers and pattered down around her.

Which is a group of sentences I’m ridiculously proud of. But, as much as I adore them all by themselves, they are so much more, well, exquisite, when you read them in context. Check out the “corpse” in its entirety here –> Come The Spring. It’s a  surreal and beautiful thing (I think perhaps, especially the fragment that comes directly before mine). Then, if you liked that you can also read Beetle and The Point of No Return which are two more exquisite corpses which were organized at the same time.

Apropos of Nothing…my desktop

Do you remember a few years ago there was a meme/trend thing where people were taking screenshots of their desktops and sharing them? No? Well, trust me. In some subcultures of the internet it really was a thing. Honest.

I was thinking about that the other day. I really liked it. I think you can learn a lot about a person based on their desktop. Some people very obviously orchestrated theirs to give a certain impression, but that, too, told me a lot about them. So I thought I’d share my desktop today (and maybe again when it changes, if people are interested) because why not? And also, because I have the best desktop wallpaper ever these days.

This is the desktop of my main computer, which these days I use for both work and gaming because my laptop is on its last legs:

My Desktop (Summer 2013)

This is one of my favourite moments in wrestling ever so Jo was sweet enough to capture the screen from the dvd for me. Cause he’s cool like that.

What does your computer’s desktop look like?

How I Work

Kittys At Work
~ Clicky clicky to make bigger ~

Any work I can do without the use of a computer is done on my bed. I know, I know it’s bad for me, it’s not good for posture, or brain training or whatever, whatever, whatever… but regardless it is how I work. One day, a few weeks ago, I stepped away from my work for a couple minutes and when I came back to it this was the sight that greeted me. Since this is actually fairly typical of my working conditions I couldn’t resist the urge to snap a picture to share.

Allow me to introduce Indiana, Absinthe and Eowyn. Atreyu, our dog, was at my feet when I shot this picture and that’s also usually where he is when I’m working too (on the computer or otherwise).

My life. It ain’t glamorous, but it sure is furry.