Category Archives: Personal

U is for Upside Down

UThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

U is for Upside Down

When my youngest niece and nephew were born I didn’t plan to take photographs of them both, at similar ages, upside down… but as it turned out, I did.


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This is another of my young nephews. Dominick is not upside down, but he is awesome and I wanted to include all my nieces and nephews who are under 7 LoL

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T is for Two Totally Different Things

TThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

T is for two totally different things.

Both of which are in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

First of all, T is for the Titanic Graves. There’s a section of a graveyard in Halifax which is reserved for the graves of the victims of the Titanic disaster. Seeing row after row of identical (or nearly so) graves all with the same date of death… it’s a moving experience:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

And on the exact opposite side of the emotional spectrum I offer you Theodore. Because he’s a tugboat and a friendly tugboat too (a friendly tugboat too). Oh, Theodore! He likes to do the things that friendly tugboats do!

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish





S is for Snow

SThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

S is for Snow.

S has to be for snow. Not because I like snow (though I don’t *hate* it like I do ice and cold LoL) but because I have to deal with snow for more days of my life than I don’t. #goodtimes

Speaking of dealing with it… I don’t know if the shovel is a good enough object to have left there for scale, but it was all I had at the time:

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When it’s not being a pain my back (though to be fair Jo shovels more often than I do LOL), snow can be quite pretty. Like in this shot looking down our street:

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Or this shot of our backyard (interestingly, I took this picture in April LoL):

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The only one around here who really loves snow, is the dog. You know how with some dogs, when you take them for a walk they need to stop and sniff every leaf on every tree? Tre is like that… but he also wants to roll around in every patch of snow. >_<

Monochrome Mutt


Q is for Quilts

QThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

Q is for Quilts

Quilting is among the many crafty-type things I enjoy doing. It also happens to start with the letter Q lol so that’s what today’s post is going to be about. These aren’t great photographs, but they are nice quilts that I’ve made over the years. I haven’t any photos of things I’ve done super recently but here are a few from the last decade or so LOL

I made this one for Dani’s grade two teacher. That’s a grade-two sized Danica holding it up, in fact (she’s gonna kill me for this! LoL). One thing I really like about this quilt is that I handpainted all the fabric for it… except the brown for the dog.


I made this quilt as a mystery quilt project… but I can’t remember where I got the pattern from anymore. It’s been a while. Speaking of mystery quilts, though, I run a mystery quilt website where I design and post mystery projects (Jofigure Mystery Quilts). It doesn’t get updated super regularly, but I do what I can. Right now I’m working on a memorial quilt project for my Mom, but I’m painting the fabric for it as well, so it’s taking a while.


Speaking of my mother… I made this log cabin quilt using 1″ scraps that I had left over from other projects. When I got it done I didn’t know what to do with it, but I gave it to my Mom and she finished it (put a back on it, quilted it) and gave it away to charity.


I’ll end with this quilt. I made it for my mother and father-in-law. I have a love/hate relationship with it… I like it well enough, and I love that my in-laws really liked it… but I find it a wee bit too busy for my personal taste. Possibly the best part about this quilt (other than that its recipients liked it LoL) is that the flying geese blocks there (the burgundy triangles on the ivory background) are actually three dimensional.


P is for Pine

PThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

P is for Pine.

Well, actually that’s a little deceptive. I don’t know if these are all pine trees I took pictures of. They are all coniferous, but beyond that I can’t say. In my defense I grew up thinking all coniferous trees were pine trees LOL I was in my late teens before I figured out how wrong that was 😉

I took this one, which I call ‘Beautiful Disease’ in my front yard. There is a great “pine” tree there. It’s not healthy and I’ve been told by an arborist that we should cut it down but the birds still use it and he didn’t think the disease it had was contagious, so I resist…

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

The following two photographs, which I probably shouldn’t post back to back but I’m going to anyway, were taken in Nova Scotia:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

And this last photograph I took last summer, during our very freaking rainy teepee camping trip.

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

O is for Outdoors

OThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

O is for Outdoors. Because I had to narrow it down more than that if I was going to keep this blog post from becoming ridiculous, O is actually for Outdoors on Hornby Island.

My mother and father-in-law live on Hornby Island and we go there to visit them when we can. These photographs are from our trip in 2011.

This is one of my favourite pics, um, evar. There was actually a little unintentional smudge on my polarizing filter, but I didn’t clean it off right away because that meant that by turning it just so I could totally direct where the flares would fall in my photograph:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

I don’t think I arranged the flare in this one, but I don’t remember LOL It’s super simple, but I like it 🙂

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

I made this photograph by stitching several exposures together:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

And this took while we were on a twilight hike. I really like the soft, muted tones:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

N is for Nova Scotia

NThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

N is for Nova Scotia

In 2012 we took a family vacation to Nova Scotia. Jo was pretty familiar with the province because he did his PhD in Halifax, but Danica and I had never been. Not only did we have a great time and make a lot of memories, but I got a lot of great photos too. Also, I discovered I’m actually pretty damn good at planning vacations 😉

I took this one at Crescent Beach. It was beautiful with loud crashing waves and lovely sand. The whole time we were there I just kept thinking how much Tre (our dog) would have loved it.

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

The tall ship festival was going on while we were in Halifax. It was lovely to see them all in dock… one of the saddest moments of our trip happened when we were walking along the harbour and one of the ships came in, sails open and glorious… and I didn’t have my camera on me. *sigh* We rushed back to the hotel to get it, but by the time we got back the ship was docked and the sails tied up. I did, however, learn a lesson there. LoL

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

I learned another lesson at Peggy’s Cove, where I took this shot (actually, these shots–I stitched several images together to get this photograph). That lesson was, always, always, always charge your freaking battery before you go out shooting for the day. Always. >_<

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

Halifax is a small city, and an old city. One of the best places I found for photographs there was The Old Burying Ground. I wish I’d gone back again before we left, but there are only so many hours in the day, you know? I took this one there:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

We didn’t only stay in Halifax while we were there. I’d fallen in love with Lunenburg from watching the television show Haven (which is filmed in and around Lunenburg). After visiting I’m still pretty convinced I could live there LOL Anyway, this was my fangirl shot of the trip. It’s the Lunenburg town hall, but in Haven it’s the police station 🙂

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

Finally, we spent some time on the farm of some friends. It was a breathtaking farm, right on the Medway river. The lifestyle they have there… well, let’s just say when I retire that’s how I’d like to do it. It was magical. I took this photograph one evening there. It’s stitched together from multiple exposures (it’s worth clicking on to see it bigger):

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

M is for Magpie

MThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

M is for Magpie

Magpies are one of my favourite kinds of birds. Unfortunately, they  never seem to want to co operate when I try to take their pictures, so I don’t have nearly as many shots of them as I’d like. Here are the few I do have… even if a couple are a bit cheaty 😉

This flouffy dude was hanging out on a tree by my back door. I had to shoot this through the window because I knew as soon as I opened the squeaky screen door he’d fly away. After I took this shot I tried to open the door to get a better one, but as I’d known he would, he flew away 🙂

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

I’ve seen this graffiti in a few places around Edmonton. This one was on the side of a dumpster outside the High Level Diner

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

According to its title, I took this one in October 2010. Seriously? How does time keep moving faster and faster?

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

Finally, I did not do this embroidery (alas), I only took a photo of it:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish


L is for LoL

LThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

L is for LoL

I took this picture when we were in Nova Scotia for a family vacation. To some people this probably seems completely normal, but to me it was so paradoxical as to be ludicrous. In case you can’t see it, it says ‘McLobster is Back’. Because, of course it is LOL:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

I misplaced my iPod a while back. Spent the whole day looking for it off and on. That night when I went to bed I discovered it right where I’d left it — on my pillow. The note, however, hadn’t been there in the morning 🙂

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

And lastly, this… because apparently I’m really still twelve at heart:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish


K is for Kitties

KThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

K is for Kitties

I know I posted some pictures of a couple of my cats back on the first of the month but I was kinda stuck for what to make K stand for, so kitties it is! In order to keep you from being totally bored, however, this post will be pretty Indiana-centric (since Absinthe was on A and I’m pretty sure Eowyn was on E… so… yeah. It’s only fair ;))

I was working (on the first drafts of some poems, I think) when I stepped away for a moment and this is what I came back to. The kitties are never far when I’m working on my bed (which is how I do most first drafts) but I do try to discourage them from being ON my books. Not pictured in this photo is my dog Tre, who was at my feet.

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

And this is Indiana. He’s probably the most photogenic of our kitties:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

And I really like the light in this one of him:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

J is for Jo

JThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

J is for Jo. Jo is my husband and he may or may not appreciate me posting a whack of photos of him on my blog, so I’m going to keep it to just a couple. But c’mon, how could J be for anything else?

Jo is a biochemist who teaches at the University here. A while back I brought my camera to the student lab there to take some pictures of test tubes, centrifuges and other fun things. I also took this picture of him doing science-y things. I call it ‘Game Face’. Because.

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I feel like this one is kinda self-explanatory 😉All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

This is one of my favourites. I took it at Thanksgiving a couple years ago. We’d gone back to southern Alberta (where I grew up) to visit my family.

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish