There was a lot of discussion in regard to what the next installment of the Alphabet Anthologies should be. A lot. F is just such a versatile letter, the options were many.
To answer two of the frequently asked questions — no, I didn’t really consider ‘F is for Fart’ and yes, I was absolutely tempted to do ‘F is for Fuck’.
In the end, after a lot of debate and conversation I decided to go with:
F is for Fairy!
The way the Alphabet Anthologies work is that each of the twenty-six stories in the anthology not only fits the theme of that anthology but also has a title that is: LETTER is for WORD (ie: A is for Apple, B is for Banana…). I randomly* assign each contributing author a letter and then they write their story. What that means is there is no open submission period for the Alphabet Anthologies, sorry writers.
I’m not announcing all the contributing writers because sometimes those names change before publication as Life gets in the way of things, but I can tell you I’m really excited for this anthology.
If you are too, a good way to spend the time between now and 2019 when this will be coming out, might be to read the first five volumes of the series 🙂
I apologise for the towering layout of those book links… this blog theme makes doing anything nicer pretty tricky. I have ‘swap blog themes’ on my to-do list… but the list is even longer than those book covers piled atop one another soo… it could be a while 😉
*It’s random except that I wiggle things around if necessary to make sure people don’t get assigned the same letter twice.