I am pretty freaking busy this November. Off the top of my head I will be:
- Attending the World Fantasy Convention in Washington, DC
- Attending Pure Spec in Edmonton
- Editing the bulk of the stories for B is for Broken
- Prepping the December issue of Niteblade
- Doing the November Poem-a-Day challenge
- Making final decisions for Scarecrow and Corvidae
- Beginning edits on the stories in Scarecrow and Corvidae
- Finishing revisions on Hollow and drafting a query letter for it (for agents)
annnnnd there’s probably about a million things I’ve forgotten.
That sort of looks (and rather feels like) a lame attempt at a humble brag “Look at all the stuff I’m doing!” but that’s actually not my intention.
The thing is, aside from the poem-a-day challenge, there’s not actually any writing on that list. As much as I love editing and going to conventions (and I really, really do) I have been so busy with that and revising various things that I haven’t written a word of new fiction in a couple months. That, to me, is completely unacceptable.
Especially in November, aka NaNoWriMo month.
However I’m not willing to commit to doing a full 50k words for NaNoWriMo either.
So I’ve decided to do MicroWriMo.
In November I’m going to write at least 10k words of fresh fiction. If somehow a miracle occurs and I end up with five times that much, well yay, but that’s not my goal. 10,000 new words. That’s my goal.
Wanna join me?
(I’ll be tracking my progress on the NaNoWriMo website, because why re-invent the wheel. My username over there is Midnyte.)
Tempted, very tempted. I try and do 3K per week anyway so I should be able to hit 10K in the month…
Best of luck with all those many things!
Thank you 🙂 And *do* consider playing along with MicroWriMo 😉
What a great idea! Maybe I won’t half kill myself with lack o’sleep and discouragement this year.
Thank you 🙂
I am definitely a fan of not half killing ourselves!