I’m obsessed with Pontypool.
Go ahead, say it out loud.
It’s fun 🙂
It’s also a brilliant movie and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since Jo, Danica and I saw it a couple weeks ago. It’s not perfect but the ‘plot holes’ and parts I don’t understand are actually endearing to me, not off-putting.
I got an email that my copy of Pontypool Changes Everything has shipped today and I’m ridiculously excited. I haven’t been this excited about a book in ages.
How about you? What was the last book that made you *squee* at its purchase or impending arrival?

Let The Right One In – I’ve been wanting to read it since October 2008 when I saw the Swedish movie and won it in February as part of a prize package. I’ve not had the nerve to crack it open because of the horrors it contains. 🙂
Ooh now I’m intrigued. I will have to add that one to my to be read list 🙂