It’s Preditors & Editors Poll time 🙂
Please pop on over to and vote for all your favorite novels, authors, poets, artists magazines etc. etc.
Niteblade and I are nominated in a few categories and if you feel like voting for us, yay, if not, no big. However, I would ask that each of you consider voting for Marge Simon’s cover art for the December issue of Niteblade. Marge is a wonderful woman and a talented artist who does the cover art and story illustrations for Niteblade for far less money than she deserves. You can see her work and vote for her here –> You will need to enter your email address to vote in order to prevent bot votes, but you won’t get spammed or have it sold anywhere.
Thank you in advance to everyone who votes 🙂
p.s. When I nominated Marge I screwed up the first time, so there are two occurances of her name there — please vote for the one where the picture link actually works 😉
p.p.s. I apologize if you’ve read me making a similar plea elsewhere, I just want Marge to get as many votes as I can LOL