Today is the official release day for Shades of Green. I’m a weird mixture of feelings including nervous, excited and disbelieving. Plus I’m stressy and worried about non-book related stuff.
I’m nervous and excited for sort of obvious reasons. One of my stories is being shared with the world and it’s my first physical book. How could that not inspire nerves and excitement?
It’s still not completely real to me yet, I think that will change once my author’s copies reach me (stupid post taking for freaking ever to get from the US to me). So yes…it’s a bit unreal still, but hopefully soon that will change. *crosses fingers*
In a happy coincidence green is my daughter’s favorite color and last night she and I spent some time dyeing her hair green (not all of it…just much of it). Unfortunately the dye didn’t take as well as we had hoped and this morning she has lime green streaks instead of dark green. She seems happy with it, but I still get to stress a little bit (it’s what I do). I hope she doesn’t get teased. As we were doing her hair we were talking about how it’s funny my book is called Shades of Green and she was going to have shades of green in her hair for its launch day. That was nice.
Oh, another source of stress? My husband is sick.
So it’s a weird day already…and a weird blog entry. I just thought I’d give a little peek inside my brain today. I hope I didn’t bore you.
I do have good book-related news to share too 🙂
Firstly, thank you to everyone who entered the draw to win a copy of Shades of Green. You all really made me smile. Thank you. Alas, I could only pick one winner and the random number generator says that person is Alexa. Congratulations Alexa, you win a copy of Shades of Green. Email me ( with your snail mail address please 🙂
Secondly, the first review of Shades of Green is in, and I’m happy to say it’s a positive one 🙂 Amber Stults has a review up in which she says:
The ending is a bit of a surprise but it’s what sets the story apart from similar tales. It ties things up neatly in a way that isn’t obvious on a first reading. If you want to lose yourself in the story of the last Swamp Elf for an hour or two this is the novelette to pick up.
You can read the whole review here. If you pop over to her website tomorrow as well she will have an interview with me. It’s less scattered than this blog entry. Honest.
Now I’m going to go be unfocused some more in a less public location. :O)

Enjoy your day, Rhonda! It’s a first release so enjoy everything that comes along with it.
Thank you Amber 🙂