The contract has been sent, signed and sent back to the publisher. That means it’s official! My novella, Shades of Green has been accepted for publication by Sam’s Dot Publishing. *squee* The publication date is January 1, 2010 and I can’t think of a better way to start the year.
Shades of Green is an Aphanasian story, it was originally part of my novel-in-stories, Swamp Story, before I decided to rip it apart and make the stories stand on their own. Shades of Green is about a swamp elf, Z’thandra, who lives with the reptar, a fierce race of lizard-people who resent her presence and want her gone from the village. When she discovers a human in the swamp and falls in love with him, she needs to make a difficult decision, the reprecussions of which will affect the Reptar for generations.
It’s a love story…of a sort, and I am really proud of it. I can’t wait to see it in print and be able to share it with readers!
*does a little happy dance*

That is excellent news ^_^
Well done! I thought they might be a perfect publisher for you.
Thank you guys 🙂 I’m very, very happy. I’ve got an e-book out, but this will be my first physical print book.
congrats! that’s great news!