Tag Archives: photographs

C is for Chai Latte

CThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

C is for Chai Latte, like this one I had with Jo after we took a very long walk to get to our favourite coffee place. It might also be for cookie:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

C is also for cloud… like this one which I love because apparently, at my heart, I’m still 12:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

It’s also for Camerabag, which is the program I use these days to do 99% of my photo editing. Like in this picture:

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

B is for Birds

BThis year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

B is for Birds:

I love birds. All birds. Whether it’s the sparrows in my front yard,

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

raptors from the Birds of Prey center in southern Alberta,

All rights reserved

or even at the zoo.

Owl All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

Ducks are a definite favourite,

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

and I also love pictures with reflections in them 🙂

All rights reserved by Rhonda Parrish

Yay birds!


A is for Atreyu

A is for...This year I’m participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge again. I thought it might be fun to share some of my photography instead of always my words. They say a picture is worth–well, you know what they say 😉

I will try to keep these blog posts short and sweet, while still offering a little bit of insight into each photograph, just for fun.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you can check out these links:

~ What Is The Blogging from A to Z Challenge? ~ ParticipantsMy Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2013): All About Niteblade ~ My Blogging from A to Z Challenge (2012): Unthemed ~

A is for Atreyu:

Atreyu. Photograph by Rhonda Parrish. All Rights Reserved

I used to smoke about a pack a day. Quitting was possibly the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life and getting a dog was my reward for that. Tre is that dog.

Photograph by Rhonda Parrish. All rights reserved.

A is also for Absinthe:

Absinthe by Rhonda Parrish. All rights reserved

She doesn’t like posing for photographs as much as Tre does, so I have fewer of them.




Right. So, today when I got home from Thanksgiving dinner there was an email in my inbox asking for a high resolution photo of myself for use in some of the promo stuff for Tesseracts 17. Ever since I became overweight I’ve tried to mostly stay on the other side of the camera (I know it’s not a good thing, I know, but I do it anyway) so I don’t have any high resolution photographs of myself, so I asked Jo to snap a couple

The one up there? That was my favourite. I chose a slightly more professional one to send to the people at EDGE though 🙂

Speaking of Tesseracts 17, it has a trailer. I think this is the first book I’ve been in that had a trailer. You can check it out here:

Also in the category of ‘schtuff’ don’t forget that I’m still giving away copies of Niteblade and running a raffle for a super awesome grab bag of goodies. You can get links to the Niteblade issues by following that link, but because I’m so super awesome I’m going to re-post the rafflecopter stuff here so you don’t have to go anywhere to enter that draw 🙂

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lastly, don’t forget that Metastasis is coming out on Tuesday. I’m super proud of this book and I can’t wait to share it with the world. What’s more, I’ll be hosting mini interviews with some of the contributors in the days following the release so you’ll want to pop by to check them out too.

Finally? Happy Thanksgiving fellow Canadians! And if you’re not Canadian, well, I hope you have a fabulous weekend anyway 😉

The Table

The Table

I don’t know anything about my father’s family, he was adopted and after he and my mother separated when I was five we never had much of a relationship. It’s a complicated and sad story and is not the point of this blog post at all. I only mention it because I think it may be one of the reasons I value the extended family on my mother’s side so very, very much.

My extended family from my Mom’s side is big. My grandmother had 10 children, 9 of whom survived by the time I was born. Those aunts and uncles married and had kids of their own and we all got together at the holidays at Grammy’s house for a big meal. It was noisy and chaotic and awesome.

The table is made of walnut and originally belonged to my great grandparents (my Mom’s father’s parents). They bought it in the 1930s or 40s (no one seems able to say for sure) and eventually passed it on to my Grammy and Grampy. As things tend to do in our family, (and maybe all big families?) this table eventually was passed down to one of my mom’s siblings, and possibly then another, but at some point it made it into our home.

It was Mom’s sewing table (and she sewed a LOT), where I learned how to quilt, the table where we put our Nintendo when we got it (like, the very first Nintendo system dudes) to play on a teeny tiny little television. It even became a diaper changing table when Danica was a baby. I went from sitting on the board beneath the table with my siblings and cousins, using the knob in the middle as a steering wheel to play imagination games while our parents played cards around us, to changing my own daughter’s diapers on it. This table means so much to me, I can’t even explain…

Then my Mom gave it to me.

By the time it reached me it had been through a lot. It was dinged and scratched. The “steering wheel” had been kicked, scuffed and even chewed on by a dog or two, and the table top had been painted dark brown to try and hide some of the water rings and such.

I decided to refinish it.

I had never refinished anything before in my life.

I was terrified.

What if I screwed up? What if I wrecked the table that probably meant just as much to other members of my family as it did to me?

What if?

But I swallowed my fears and did it anyway.

It took me a very long time, and I should have taken before pictures, but I think I’m finally finished.

Table Top

I stripped all the paint off and then sanded, and sanded, and sanded. A couple coats of stain (Cabernet by Varathane) followed, then three coats of glossy varnish (with more sanding in between, just for fun!) and a final coat of semi-gloss varnish for the top itself*. I think it’s gorgeous.

Also, for those of us who loved it, here is the steering wheel:


And here are Jo and Dani putting their fingerprints all over the top because they know it drives me crazy:


As for why I’m sharing this on my blog, well, I may have mentioned that I have a pretty big extended family. I wanted a place I could put these pictures for everyone to see. Despite my fears, I think I did a pretty good job here. I’m proud of the results and want to show everyone else for whom this table isn’t just a piece of furniture that I’m taking care of it and giving it the respect it deserves.

Oh, and for everyone who is like “Um, it’s just a table.” well, now it’s a really pretty table. So there’s that.

Now I just need to find some chairs to go with it and tidy up the room its in 😉

*Jo and Dani helped out too but I think it’s fair to say I did the bulk of the work.