I’m pleased to announce that the random number generator on Random.org has spoken and the winner of the #ScarecrowSelfies draw and a box of ten copies of SCARECROW is…
Drum roll please…
Actually, let’s pause a moment to look at some of these amazing photographic entries:
Entry from Debbie H
Scott B.
Entry from Katherine M.
Entry from Brian R
Entry from Kristina
Katherine M. freaking out the Hobby Lobby employees 🙂
Entry from E. Teskey
Entry from Scott B.
Another entry from Scott 🙂
Entry from Sarena U
Entry from Clive T.
Entry from S. Saboviec
Entry from Katy
Awesome, right?
Anywho… the winner is…
Debbie H!
Debbie, please email me your snail mail address and we’ll get this box of books shipped out to you once I get back in town from WWC. I can’t wait to see how you spread the love.
Thank you to everyone who participated. I really enjoyed seeing your scarecrow selfie photographs and reading your cool ideas for how you were going to give the extra copies away. I will definitely do this again some day.
“Rhonda Parrish has assembled a stellar collection that runs the gamut of Urban Fantasy to Weird Fiction. Easily the most consistently satisfying anthology I’ve read in years.”
— K.L. Young, Executive Editor, Strange Aeons Magazine
Hay-men, mommets, tattie bogles, kakashi, tao-tao—whether formed of straw or other materials, the tradition of scarecrows is pervasive in farming cultures around the world. The scarecrow serves as decoy, proxy, and effigy—human but not human. We create them in our image and ask them to protect our crops and by extension our very survival, but we refrain from giving them the things a creation might crave—souls, brains, free-will, love. In Scarecrow, fifteen authors of speculative fiction explore what such creatures might do to gain the things they need or, more dangerously, think they want.
Within these pages, ancient enemies join together to destroy a mad mommet, a scarecrow who is a crow protects solar fields and stores long-lost family secrets, a woman falls in love with a scarecrow, and another becomes one. Encounter scarecrows made of straw, imagination, memory, and robotics while being spirited to Oz, mythological Japan, other planets, and a neighbor’s back garden. After experiencing this book, you’ll never look at a hay-man the same.
Featuring all new work by Jane Yolen, Andrew Bud Adams, Laura Blackwood, Amanda Block, Scott Burtness, Amanda C. Davis, Megan Fennell, Kim Goldberg, Katherine Marzinsky, Craig Pay, Sara Puls, Holly Schofield, Virginia Carraway Stark, Laura VanArendonk Baugh, and Kristina Wojtaszek.
“With fifteen talented writers and a subject that is both evocative and memorable, Rhonda Parrish’s new anthology, Scarecrow, is no straw man. Like any good scarecrow, this anthology is truly outstanding in its field. Don’t be scared to pick this up and give it a read.”
— Steve Vernon, author of Tatterdemon
I love this cover. Don’t you just love this cover? I feel like this anthology series has been blessed with great covers (thank you Eileen!) but this one is my favourite. Love, love, love, love, love it.
Oh. But wait. There’s more! In addition revealing the cover of Scarecrow I have copies to give away! There are two ways to win (I suggest entering both draws LOL). The first is a Goodreads giveaway. We’re giving a copy of Scarecrow to two lucky winners (US and Canada only, sorry :-/ ). It’s super easy to enter, you can just click here to go to the page on Goodreads or use this:
That draw is only open for like 5 days (it closes on August 3rd). Can we get 500 entries in 5 days? I don’t know, but let’s try! 🙂
The other way to enter to win a copy (well, actually ten copies) of Scarecrow is via #ScarecrowSelfies. This one is open to people anywhere in the world. You can check out all the details by clicking here, and in the meantime take a look at the entries that have come in so far:
My character & Alistair with a scarecrow in Dragon Age: Origins
I want to give you TEN (10) copies of Scarecrow.
Yep. You read that right.
I’m going to give one person ten copies of Scarecrow. That lucky winner can keep one and give the other nine away however they want to–to their book club, friends, relatives, libraries or random people on the internet–whatever they want. Why? Well, mostly because giving away books is fun and I want to spread the joy around 🙂
How do you enter?
Take photos of or with scarecrows and share them on social media (Twitter, Facebook) using the hashtag #ScarecrowSelfies (If you don’t do social media I will post and share on your behalf — email your pictures to me at fae [at] worldweaverpress.com)
I will compile and share/link to the photos on my blog, because c’mon, of course I will!
Every photo taken will count as an entry into the draw and you will get an extra entry if your photo contains a copy of either CORVIDAE or FAE
And as I said, the winner will receive a box of copies of SCARECROW to share however you want. Actually, I’ll give you a bonus entry if you post on social media using the #ScarecrowSelfies and tell us how you would give away the books if you won.
That’s three ways to enter the draw. C’mon, it’ll be fun!
I will hold the draw on the morning of August 13th so make sure your entries are in by the 12th.
Official-Type Stuff & FAQs
You cannot sell the nine extra copies, you must give them away for free.
The books are shipping from inside the US so if you live outside the US you are still welcome to enter but if you win you will be responsible for any customs, duty or other costs associated with importing the books.
Why not give eight people one copy of SCARECROW instead of giving one person eight copies?
Why not? I want to try something different and we’ll still be running a Goodreads giveaway for SCARECROW the same as we have for FAE and CORVIDAE so this isn’t the only chance people will have to win a copy but it is the only chance they’ll have to win nine of them 🙂
Does the picture have to be with a real scarecrow?
Nope. I’m open to all sorts of creative interpretations on this one. A picture of you with a picture of a scarecrow? Cool. A screenshot from a video game with a scarecrow? Okay. A friend dressed up as a scarecrow posing with you? Awesome. Please feel free to think outside the box on this one.
Have a question? Hit me up, I’m happy to answer 🙂
Some of the entries:
From me. Not an entry, just playing along 🙂
Entry from Katy
Entry from Clive T.
Entry from Brian R
Entry from Scott B.
Entry from Debbie H
Entry from Katherine M.
Entry from Kristina
Scott B.
Another entry from Scott 🙂
Entry from Sarena U
Entry from S. Saboviec
Entry from E. Teskey
Katherine M. freaking out the Hobby Lobby employees 🙂