Tag Archives: zOctober



Today I have a guest blog over at My Book Addiction where I’m talking about music and the apocalypse. I’m also giving away copies of Waste Not (and other funny zombie stories) *and* sharing excerpts from A is for Apocalypse.

Check it out

Also? I’m giving away an electronic copy of A is for Apocalypse on the zOctober Facebook page today. It is also worth checking out




zOctober 2014


In October I’m going to participate in zOctober 2014 at My Book Addiction. I’m also hoping to have a few zombie-centric things going on at my blog here (though nothing quite as intense as the Summer of Zombie Blog Tour). Hopefully that will coincide with the release of my newest zombie title *fingers crossed*

This is mostly a head’s up, but if you’d like to swap some zombie-centric blog posts, provide a guest post or participate in an interview on my blog let me know 🙂