Tag Archives: covers

Metastasis Cover & Table of Contents

Metastasis Cover

There it is, the cover for Metastasis. The artwork was done by Jo and the design by Carol Hightshoe. I will definitely devote an entire blog entry to the cover but for today it needs to share a blog entry.

As important as the cover is, what is even more important is the book’s content, and let me tell you, this book’s content is awesome. I use that word a lot, awesome, but these stories and poems really, really are, and they come together in such a magical way. The sum truly is greater than the parts (and the parts are pretty fantastic).

This anthology shines. I can’t wait to share it with you.

Metastasis Table Of Contents

The Cancer Catechism by Jay Lake
Cancer: A Fairy Tale by Marge Simon
Oil and Water by Michael Kellar
The Light Box by Barbara Daniels
Time is the School in Which We Learn, Time is the Fire in Which We Burn by Candas Jane Dorsey
Hunter by Beth Cato
Quantum Therapy by David Sklar
Alchemical Warfare by Sandi Leibowitz
The Gypsy Cure by Bill Ratner
Tide Pools by Kevin J. Anderson
Next Placement by Steve Lickman
The Cure by Scott Lee Williams
Painter X by I J Black
Murder of Crows by Rie Sheridan Rose
The Lady in the Doorway by T. Fox Dunham
The Dead Rise For Me by Morgen Knight
A Brief Description of the Five Stages of Puppet Cancer by David McLain
Cancer Maximized by Mary-Ellen Maynard
Hold That Blade by Beth Cato
Missing by BD Wilson
A Hunter Reflects Upon the Properties of Sunlight, and Also of Ashes by Sara Cleto
Unchanged by Michael S. Pack
Sylvia and the Gynandromorph Sea by Brenda Stokes Barron
Arpeggio by Gabrielle Harbowy
Folklore of Lunenburg County by Robert Dawson
Like Sunlit Honey by Cat Jenkins

Masked Mosaic Cover



Oh. My gawd.

You know, there are covers, and then there are covers. And while it’s always a pleasure to be included in an anthology, I will admit that I’m shallow enough that exactly how happy I am about any given publication can be influenced by the cover.

I am ecstatic about this one.

This is the cover for Masked Mosaic: Canadian Super Hero Stories. I love this cover. Love it. Jo and I have a story in it called Sea and Sky and I just cannot wait to have this schmexy looking book on my ego shelf.

Unfortunately I have to wait because the anthology isn’t out until the end of the month, but damn.

Lookin’ good Tyche Books, lookin’ good.


Covery Goodness

I have a thing for covers.

C’mon, admit it — you do too.

Jim C. Hines is probably the luckiest author I know when it comes to getting great covers. Well, maybe he’s tied with Carrie Jones, hers are awesome as well.

I’ve had some covers I loved and some I was less fond of. Over the past week or so I’ve had my work included in two new publications, which means two new covers. I adore these two, so I thought I’d share them with you. I especially love them because they are so different from one another, but each publication contains one of my zombie poems.

Firstly we have Eclectic Flash. One of my poems, Cover Up, is included in the most recent issue of Eclectic Flash. Check out this cover:

Because they use a flash player to provide their free online issue I had to take a screenshot, which means the quality isn’t as good here as it is at the website. Not by a long shot. You should click on the picture to go to the website and see for yourself. I adore that cover, it’s so cute!

I also have a poem (titled White Noise) in a spiffy new zombie anthology:

I also love this cover. The cartooniness (if it’s not a word it should be) is pretty sweet 🙂

Two very different covers, but I like them both. What do you think? Also, do you have a favourite book cover of all time? Share the love, I wanna see it 🙂