Tag Archives: Poetry

Help Me Choose My NovPAD Theme

ETA: Voting has closed and that’s the winner right there ^ Chancer’s Inn. Thank you to everyone who helped me pick the theme for this year’s poetry challenge. Now I better get my butt in gear and write the poems 🙂

The original post is below for archivey/context purposes 😉




Whaaat? Two blog posts in one day?!


I have a bit of a problem… it’s an affection for pre-made book covers. I love them. The problem is, I buy the cover and then I have to find the time and inspiration to write the stories to go with them, and sometimes that’s a pretty big challenge.

Several weeks ago I held a flash editing sale on social media. The idea was that if enough people bought in for me to pay for the pre-made covers I had my eye on I would buy them and write the stories to go with them. Well, lots of people supported my sale, more than enough to pay for the covers, but when I went to buy them they’d already been sold! *sad face*

Since I couldn’t get those covers I said I would pick a selection of other pre-mades and let Twitter and Facebook decide which one of them I would buy and write something for.

But then there was this sale and I spontaneously bought premade covers for a trilogy. And added those to the other trilogy I haven’t written yet but have covers for. I was forced to admit that I had a bit of a problem. A wee bit of a backlog. I still wanted to let Twitter and Facebook vote on a cover for me to write for but it was pretty obvious that I could not commit to a full-length novel for that.

And then today my November Poem-A-Day partner in crime, Beth Cato, sent me a message and said, “Are you doing NovPAD this year?” and I was like, “Yes. But I wonder what my theme is going to be.”

And then EUREKA! It struck me.

I could let you vote on a pre-made cover and use that cover to determine my NovPAD 2018 theme. And then, eventually, use that cover to publish the resulting poems. Perfect.

Except that NovPad begins tomorrow, so there’s a huge time crunch on this. >_<

Here are the covers:

Two things to remember while looking at these:

  • That is dummy text. It’s just there to show off the typography and will be replaced with my name, title, etc. when the time comes. In other words, those titles are not staying 😉
  • My interpretation of the theme based on the cover may not match the text at all. (ie: Just because it says ‘Horror novella’ doesn’t mean my poems will be horror-themed). It also may not match your interpretation or expectations.  


To vote, drop me a line however you prefer (Tweet, Facebook comment, Blog post comment, email, whatever) and tell me the dummy title for the cover you want me to use (ie: ‘The Road of Lost Souls’ or ‘Frozen’ or whatever).

I will total up all the votes that are in when it’s time for me to start working on my poem for tomorrow (probably around noon Mountain time), purchase the winning cover, announce it here and on social media and then get to work.

Thank you for taking the time to help me decide on my NovPAD theme. I look forward to discovering what it will be!

Imaginarium 4: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing

Imaginarium 4OMG!

I have been DYING to share this news and now I can–I have a poem in Imaginarium 4: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing!!

I’m so excited. Firstly to have my work, Hereditary Delusions, included in this collection at all. It means an awful lot to me to share a table of contents with the mind-blowingly talented authors whose work is included here, it means a lot to have my poem chosen for inclusion in any anthology by two awesome editors and possibly most of all, it means a lot to have my poetry under a cover that says ‘Best Canadian Speculative Writing‘*.

I left this announcement off for two days in the hopes I’d be beyond gushing by now and able to post a nice, professional announcement, but it seems that isn’t going to happen–I’m still too full of squee–so just check out this amazing TOC:

Margaret Atwood

Kelley Armstrong

Witch I
Courtney Bates-Hardy

Witch II
Courney Bates-Hardy

The Smut Story
Greg Bechtel

Kafka’s Notebooks
Jocko Benoit

The Full Lazenby
Jeremy Butler

Wendigo Nights
Siobhan Carroll

A Spell for Rebuilding Your Lover Out of Snow
Peter Chiykowski

Eric Choi

Jelly and the D-Machine
Suzanne Church

The Perfect Library
David Clink

The Colour of Paradox
A.M. Dellamonica

The Man Who Sold the Moon
Cory Doctorow

Brains, Brains, Brains
Puneet Dutt

The Lonely Sea in the Sky
Amal El-Mohtar

A Wish from a Bone
Gemma Files

We Be Naked
Zsuzsi Gartner

The God of Lost Things
Neile Graham

The Lark, The Peat The Star, and Our Time
Neile Graham

Chant for Summer Darkness in Northwest Climes
Neile Graham

The Beat that Billie Bore
Lisa L. Hannett

The Trial of the Beekeeper
Shivaun Hoad

Self-Portrait as Bilbo Baggins
Ada Hoffmann

The Parable of the Supervillain
Ada Hoffmann

The Mermaid at Seaworld
Ada Hoffmann

Left Foot, Right
Nalo Hopkinson

Return to Bear Creek
Louisa Howerow

The Inn of the Seven Blessings
Matthew Hughes

What You Couldn’t Leave Behind
Matthew Johnson

Hollywood North
Michael Libling

Catherine MacLeod

Helen Marshall

Death and the Girl from Pi Delta Zeta
Helen Marshall

You’re a Winner
Matt Moore

Man in Blue Overcoat
Silvia Moreno-Garcia

The Exorcist: A Love Story
David Nickle

Hereditary Delusions
Rhonda Parrish

The Marotte
Tony Pi

Charlemagne and Florent
Ranylt Richildis

Standard Deviant
Holly Schofield

The Tun
Trevor Shikaze

Kate Story

The Snows of Yesteryear
Jean-Louis Trudel

Peter Watts

From Stone and Bone, From Earth and Sky
A.C. Wise

Outside Heavenly
Rio Youers

Release Date: Aug 18, 2015

*Again. I had a poem in the first one too

Zombiefied III: Hazardous Material

Zombiefied III - Hazardous MaterialsA release date for the third in Carol Hightshoe’s Zombiefied anthology series has been announced. Zombiefied III: Hazardous Material will be released into the world on June 1st.

This anthology includes my poem, When the Zombies Came.

I had a poem in the first Zombiefied title as well, and that anthology was the very first royalty-paying anthology I’d contributed to which actually earned out and started paying me royalties. The expirience was so novel and cool I decided to submit to all Carol’s zombie-centric anthologies. I’m glad that policy has earned me a spot in another, and I look forward to sharing the details of where you can find it as soon as it becomes available in June 🙂

Published: A Chance to be Heard / In The Valley

Page and Spine

I’m going to briefly interrupt the holiday-themed posts to share the fact two of my poems were published at Page and Spine last week. The two pieces are really very different from one another, so it tickles me to see them right beside each other on the page. The first, A Chance to be Heard, is a sci-fi poem inspired by robocaller/dialers and the second, In the Valley, is nature-tastic.

Published: Two Wrongs (and) Golden Hour


Two of my poems, Two Wrongs and Golden Hour (which are completely different from one another aside from the fact both have nature-y stuff in ’em) are included in this month’s issue of Dual Coast Magazine. It looks like quite an impressive line-up of contributors, including Milo James Fowler who I am always happy to share a table of contents with 🙂

Published: Broken (Free Download)

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”

ۥ Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

Write 1 Sub 1 is a super supportive group of writers who, inspired by Ray Bradbury, have committed to write stories (or poems, or novels, or whatever) and submit them for publication on a regular basis. The hardcore members aim to write and submit one story a week. Some set their goal at one a month. The point, at least to me, is consistency. It’s easy to let our writing get lost in amongst all the other things happening in our lives and W1S1 definitely helps shine a spotlight on it and keeps you motivated and conscious of how much you are (or aren’t) doing in that arena.

I didn’t sign up for W1S1 this year, largely because my goals for 2014 didn’t include a lot of short fiction. However, I’ve been a happily participating member in years past and so, when submissions opened for Drunk on Writing, W1S1’s first ever anthology, I totally sent them my qualifying works. Happily, they accepted one of my poems, Broken.

Drunk on Writing has officially been published (yay!) but best of all, because of the terms of the contract I’m totally allowed to share it here with you for free. YAY!

You can download a copy of Drunk on Writing below.

I hope you like it 🙂

Drunk on Writing (.PDF)

For some reason WordPress won’t let me upload the .Mobi or .ePub versions, but I have them! If you want one, just drop me a line and we’ll make that happen.


White Noise

White Noise -- Art and cover design by Jonathan Parrish

Just in time for zOctober (because, ya know, I didn’t have enough apocalyptic awesomeness to celebrate with A is for Apocalypse and Waste Not) I’ve released my zombie poetry collection:

White Noise

Poems of the Zombie Apocalypse


I’ve been meaning to put this collection together for honest-to-gawd years but things never seemed to work out, until now. That’s why, though I’d normally wait, set a launch date and try to build up some excitement and publicity before officially launching a title, I’m not doing that with this one. It’s ready to go, and so I’m going to set it loose upon the world before something else goes wrong to delay its release LOL

White Noise contains 20 of my zombie apocalypse poems, some of them are reprints (including the one which was included in Imaginarium: Best Canadian Speculative Writing [2012] and the one which was nominated for a Dwarf Star award) and some are being published for the very first time.



Ghosts of the city
peer out of the gloom
around him
As a child he’d loved it
when the ‘clouds fell down’
and cloaked his world
in mysteries
Now, though,
it was just one more thing
to hide the shamblers.
One more obstacle to
his survival.
One more enemy.

Available At:

Amazon (paperback)
Amazon (kindle)

White Noise is $5.99 for physical copies and $0.99 for electronic ones.

Exceptions to this are if you buy a paperback copy (a great way to fill your cart when you need $5.99 more for free shipping, amirite?) you’ll get the Kindle version free and also, if you were subscribed to my newsletter yesterday you received an electronic copy for free.

White Noise on Goodreads

Praise for White Noise

“A collection of vivid scenes laid out in sharp and articulate verse, that when assembled, construct a grim narrative filled with tension, stark imagery, and unusual beauty. WHITE NOISE reaches in and evokes a visceral response— not always the one you’d expect.”

—Tim Deal, Shroud Quarterly

“In this collection of poems, Rhonda Parrish manages to capture all the emotions of life during an apocalypse: From fear and desperation to pain and sorrow. She even shows us love and hope. Some serious but most tinged with humor. This is a great collection of poems about the zombie apocalypse.”

—Carol Hightshoe – author of the Chaos Reigns Saga and Editor of Zombiefied I, II and III

“As soon as I read the first poem I was hooked! It was macabre but it wasn’t too far. Poetry puts our insides on our outsides and when it comes to zombies, well, that could get pretty gross in a hurry.

These poems were really good! They were passionate and made me think about zombies from new angles than I had thought about them in the past. There was a dash of the metaphysical put in and a lot of real living, non-zombie feelings as well. I’m going to go back for a second read, because they deserve it.”

—Virginia Carraway Stark, Starklight Press