Tag Archives: SFPA

SFPA’s Online Halloween Poetry Reading

I was invited to a poetry reading at World Fantasy next weekend and I posted an ‘Oh my god this is so cool but I am way too chicken!’ post to my livejournal. Friends kept telling me not to be a wuss and to participate, especially since I fully intend to attend and listen. I’m afraid I’m going to continue to be a wuss, partly because I’m a wuss and partly because I don’t think I actually have anything appropriate to read. Okay, mostly because I’m a wuss, but the other part is true too!

Anyway, I was inspired by my friends telling me to read so when the Science Fiction Poetry Association asked members to contribute audio recordings of themselves doing readings for their Online Halloween Poetry Reading, I decided to send something in.

If you click here you can listen to some really awesome poets reading their stuff…and I’m reading The Sepultress.

Please listen and be kind. In order to record my poem I had to borrow Danica’s ipod and use it. Unfortunately, I stumbled in my reading a couple times because I was focusing on the ipod instead of the poem. Oops. I figured you’d all forgive me though, especially since it’s my first time at this.