Tag Archives: the germ

Published: Hold This Camel

Tombstone - Photograph by Rhonda ParrishMy poem, “Hold This Camel” has been published in Volume 1, Issue 3 of The Germ.

Hold this Camel came to be when I was looking at a poetry prompt from the April poem a day challenge which said to make the title of the poem ‘Hold that ____’ and the first word that popped into my head to fill in the blank, was camel. Not ‘thought’ or anything which made sort of obvious sense right away, but ‘Hold that camel’. I really, really, really wanted to write that poem. And I did. I had to change the that in the title to a this, but I pulled it off and I’m pretty pleased with that.

Issue 3 went on sale recently and puts me in some pretty good company with other writers, poets and artists. I can’t wait for my contributor copies to arrive 🙂

Sale: Hold This Camel

Back at the beginning of April, when I was doing the April Poem a Day Challenge, I tweeted this:

Well, today I’m ridiculously pleased to announce that my poem, “Hold This Camel” has been accepted for publication by The Germ. This is a new market for me and I’m very much looking forward to this poem’s publication in their autumn issue due out in September.